Find descriptor sets that satisfy the specified constraints.
- [optional] _ref: Reference to be used within the transaction.
- [optional] unique: Indicates whether a single object is expected to satisfy the constraints.
- [optional] constraints
- [optional] is_connected_to
- [optional] group_by_source
- [optional] results
- [optional] batch
- [optional] sort
- [optional] limit
- [optional] offset
- [optional] uniqueids: indicates whether unique ids will be returned as part of the response (Default: false).
- [optional] with_name: Name of the set.
- [optional] engines: indicates whether the available engines will be returned as part of the response (Default: false)
- [optional] metrics: indicates whether the available metrics will be returned as part of the response (Default: false)
- [optional] dimensions: indicates whether the dimensionality will be returned as part of the response (Default: false)
- [optional] counts: indicates whether the number of descriptors in the set will be returned as part of the response (Default: false)
The with_name parameter specifies the "name" of the DescriptorSet and is guaranteed to be unique.
If only one ref parameter is used in the is_connected_to array, the resulting objects obtained after traversing the given connection can be associated with their source objects by specifying the parameter group_by_source as true. The parameter is ignored if is_connected_to is absent. It is set to false by default.
Find the descriptor set that is named "party_faces":
"FindDescriptorSet": {
"_ref": 1,
"with_name": "party_faces",
"metrics": true,
"engines": true,
"results": {
"list": ["year_created", "description"]
Successful response:
"FindDescriptorSet": {
"entities": [{
"_engines": ["Flat"],
"_metrics": ["CS", "L2"],
"description": "Faces at a party",
"year_created": 2020
"returned": 1,
"status": 0
Find descriptor sets that have a property "year_created" equal to 2020, and retrieve the "year_created" and "description" properties:
"FindDescriptorSet": {
"constraints": {
"year_created": ["==", 2020]
"results": {
"list": ["year_created", "description"]
Successful response:
"FindDescriptorSet": {
"entities": [{
"description": "Faces at a party",
"year_created": 2020
"returned": 1,
"status": 0